Eloyda's New York Blog

It’s all about the people!
June 14, 2009, 6:39 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Today we had the opportunity to spend the morning on a labor movement tour with William Adelman, an expert on Chicago and its labor history.  Although it was raining hard at times he stood out there and presented facts and personal stories about the Haymarket events.  He shared with us so much information that I would have needed a tape recorder to document all of it.  It as obvious that he went to great lengths to prepare for us. 

Haymarket Memorial at the spot speeches were given 5/4/1886

Haymarket Memorial at the spot speeches were given 5/4/1886

Last Day Chicago 034









Following our visit to the cemetery where several people involved in Haymarket were buried, we had lunch at the Healthy Food Lithuanian Restaurant.  Although the food was not something I would choose to have again, the hospitality and warmth of the women who fed us was something I wish I could experience everytime I eat out.

Best Service in Chicago

Best Service in Chicago

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Following our meal we took a long ride to see a gate, a very important gate that had thousand of men walked under everyday to get to the stockyards where they worked.    As I took a picture, with the stench of the steak packing house in the air and the railroad tracks passing so closely, I could imagine the dread that fillled the men who worked there each day. 

Men leaving work at Pullman

Men leaving work at Pullman

Pullman Factory today

Pullman Factory todayPullman Administrative Building today

After that we headed for to Pullman, “The world’s most perfect town”, or so it was called.  The room at the Florence Hotel and the photographs there proved how lavishly the people of importance lived.  We then met a historical archeologic (I can’t remember her name but she was great) who led us to the administrative building and factory at Pullman.  After seeing so many restore buildings and museums this week, I loved seeing a restoration in progress.  I gave me such a sense of the hard work that the archeologists and historians do to preserve the discoveries made.    I thought that the story she told us about the 3 different breakrooms (workers’, administrative, rich visitors’) and the types and quality of remains found in each was fascinating.  That alone told a lot about the practices that occurred there. 


"A red rose for the finer things and the substance of life"

"A red rose for the finer things and the substance of life"

We ended the day with a walk through Grant and then Millenium park.  While there I took a picture for a family from, I assume, Germany or somewhere near there.  The grandma was giggling at all that was going on and the family was just enjoying the moment.  I couldn’t help but think, “This is the Chicago that Juris (The Jungle) hoped to find when he came to America.